Are you ready to spice up your lunch break and add a dash of excitement to your workday? Get your team together and join our exciting Lunchtime Inter-Office Volleyball tournament at South Bank. Get ready to break a sweat, foster team spirit, and unleash your competitive spirit, all while enjoying the beautiful Queensland sunshine.
Volleyball is a great sport for lunchtimes. It’s energetic but not too much running. It’s a fantastic way to build camaraderie among colleagues. Volleyball is the perfect choice for a dynamic and engaging activity that will enhance fitness, clear the mind and unite your crew.
Get a team together from your office for our season of Lunchtime Netball
When: Tuesday 25 June, Thursday 27 June, Tuesday 2 July, Thursday 4 July.
Where: TAFE QLD lawn, cnr Glenelg St & Merivale St South Brisbane.
Format: 30 minute game each week. Schedules posted online. Referees and equipment all supplied. Preliminary games followed by final+playoffs for placings. All teams play 4 games whether they are finalists or not.
Times: 12:10pm, 12:45, 1:20
Fees: $352 per team all inclusive.
Team: Mixed 6-a-side (plus subs if you wish) max 4 men on court. You can have subs, and rotate on and off court.
Need more info? Contact us.
It’s easy to enter your team for our upcoming Lunchtime Volleyball
Simply fill in the form below and secure your spot now!
Great reasons to join us:
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